• Education
    5/1/1998 - Ph.D. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering from Michigan Technological University
    7/1/1992 - B.S. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering from Beijing University of Technology, China

Professor Shao-Horn received a BS in metallurgical and materials engineering from Beijing University of Technology in 1992 and a PhD in the same discipline from Michigan Technological University in 1998. Before coming to MIT in 2002, she was a staff scientist at the Eveready Battery Company in Westlake, Ohio, where she researched materials for various types of batteries. She later received a National Science Foundation International Research Fellowship to work with Claude Delmas at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry in Bordeaux, France. Outside of her professorial duties, she serves as senior editor for accounts of Materials Research of the American Chemical Society and on advisory and editorial boards for several leading journals.


Professor Yang Shao-Horn studies materials for electrochemical and photoelectrochemical energy storage and conversion. Her research exploits physical and materials chemistries to understand and control the kinetics and dynamics for storing electrons, critical to enable clean energy and mitigate climate change. She develops universal design principles of materials to enhance functions in a number of applications, from sustainable chemicals and fuels to rechargeable lithium-ion and lithium-air batteries.

Junghwa Kim, Kiarash Gordiz, Daniele Vivona, Lambert Hu, Colin Gilgenbach, Bryce A. Tappan, Sokseiha Muy, James M. LeBeau, Yang Shao-Horn
Revealing the Interplay of Local Environments and Ionic Transport in Perovskite Solid Electrolytes
ACS Nano 18 (2024)
Anna Cybulsky, Florian Allroggen, Yang Shao-Horn, Dharik S. Mallapragada
Challenges of Decarbonizing Aviation via Hydrogen Propulsion: Technology Performance Targets and Energy System Trade-Offs
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12 (2024)
Haldrian Iriawan, Antonia Herzog, Sunmoon Yu, Nicole Ceribelli, Yang Shao-Horn
Upshifting Lithium Plating Potential To Enhance Electrochemical Lithium Mediated Ammonia Synthesis
ACS Energy Letters 9 (2024)
Ye Tian, Botao Huang, Yizhi Song, Yirui Zhang, Dong Guan, Jiani Hong, Duanyun Cao, Enge Wang, Limei Xu, Yang Shao-Horn, Ying Jiang
Effect of ion-specific water structures at metal surfaces on hydrogen production
Nature Communications 15 (2024)
Abhishek Aggarwal, Kiarash Gordiz, Artem Baskin, Daniele Vivona, Joakim Halldin Stenlid, John W. Lawson, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Yang Shao-Horn
Revealing the Molecular Origin of Driving Forces and Thermodynamic Barriers for Li+ Ion Transport to Electrode–Electrolyte Interfaces
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (2024)
Hongbin Xu, Daniel J. Zheng, Haldrian Iriawan, Jen-Hung Fang, Junghwa Kim, Xiao Wang, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Ju Li, Yang Shao-Horn
A Cobalt–Platinum–Ruthenium System for Acidic Methanol Oxidation
Chemistry of Materials 36 (2024)
Joakim Halldin Stenlid, Pjotrs Žguns, Daniele Vivona, Abhishek Aggarwal, Kiarash Gordiz, Yirui Zhang, Shakul Pathak, Martin Z. Bazant, Yang Shao-Horn, Artem Baskin, John W. Lawson
Computational Insights into Electrolyte-Dependent Li-Ion Charge-Transfer Kinetics at the LixCoO2 Interface
ACS Energy Letters 9 (2024)
Danae A. Chipoco Haro, Luisa Barrera, Haldrian Iriawan, Antonia Herzog, Nianhan Tian, Andrew J. Medford, Yang Shao-Horn, Faisal M. Alamgir, Marta C. Hatzell
Electrocatalysts for Inorganic and Organic Waste Nitrogen Conversion
ACS Catalysis 14 (2024)
Karthik Akkiraju, Reshma Rao, Jonathan Hwang, Livia Giordano, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Ethan Crumlin, David S. Weinberger, Yang Shao-Horn
Regulating Oxygen Activity of Perovskites to Promote Activity and Selectivity for Methanol Oxidation to Formaldehyde
ACS Catalysis 14 (2024)
Jaclyn R. Lunger, Jessica Karaguesian, Hoje Chun, Jiayu Peng, Yitong Tseo, Chung Hsuan Shan, Byungchan Han, Yang Shao-Horn, Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli
Towards atom-level understanding of metal oxide catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction with machine learning
npj Computational Materials 10 (2024)
Soonho Kwon, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Reshma Rao, Liang Qiao, William A. Goddard, Yang Shao-Horn
Facet-Dependent Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity of IrO2 from Quantum Mechanics and Experiments
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024)
Doo Hyun Chung, Edward J. Graham, Benjamin A. Paren, Landon Schofield, Yang Shao-Horn, Dharik S. Mallapragada
Design Space for PEM Electrolysis for Cost-Effective H2 Production Using Grid Electricity
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2024)
Emily Crabb, Abhishek Aggarwal, Ryan Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn, Graham Leverick, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Electrolyte Dependence of Li+ Transport Mechanisms in Small Molecule Solvents from Classical Molecular Dynamics
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128 (2024)
Juan Jesús Velasco Vélez, Denis Bernsmeier, Rik V. Mom, Patrick Zeller, Yang Shao‐Horn, Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, Axel Knop‐Gericke, Robert Schlögl, Travis E. Jones
Iridium Oxide Coordinatively Unsaturated Active Sites Govern the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Water
Advanced Energy Materials 14 (2024)
Yubo Chen, Daniel J. Zheng, Zhichuan J. Xu, Yang Shao-Horn
Best practices for oxygen electrocatalysis
Nature Sustainability 7 (2024)
Ruixue Liu, Guannan He, Xizhe Wang, Dharik Mallapragada, Hongbo Zhao, Yang Shao-Horn, Benben Jiang
A cross-scale framework for evaluating flexibility values of battery and fuel cell electric vehicles
Nature Communications 15 (2024)
Daniel J. Zheng, Jiayu Peng, Kaylee McCormack, Hongbin Xu, Jin Soo Kang, Zhenshu Wang, Zhichu Ren, Ju Li, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Yang Shao-Horn
Uniting activity design principles of anode catalysts for direct liquid fuel cells
EES Catalysis 2 (2024)
Daniele Vivona, Kiarash Gordiz, Randall Meyer, Sumathy Raman, Yang Shao-Horn
Mechanistic insights into the origin of the oxygen migration barrier
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12 (2024)
Sheng Gong, Keqiang Yan, Tian Xie, Yang Shao-Horn, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Shuiwang Ji, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Examining graph neural networks for crystal structures: Limitations and opportunities for capturing periodicity
Science Advances 9 (2023)
Landon J. Kilgallon, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Safe and Scalable Syntheses of N,N-Dimethyltrifluoromethanesulfonamide (DMTMSA) and Other Trifluoromethanesulfonamide Solvents for High Energy Density Battery Applications
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 88 (2023)
Shantao Han, Peng Wen, Huaijiao Wang, Yang Zhou, Yu Gu, Lu Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn, Xinrong Lin, Mao Chen
Sequencing polymers to enable solid-state lithium batteries
Nature Materials 22 (2023)
Michael A. Stolberg, Benjamin A. Paren, Pablo A. Leon, Christopher M. Brown, Gavin Winter, Kiarash Gordiz, Alberto Concellón, Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Lamellar Ionenes with Highly Dissociative, Anionic Channels Provide Lower Barriers for Cation Transport
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (2023)
Patricia V. B. Santiago, Swathi P. Raju, Karthik Akkiraju, Rafael A. Vicente, Mariane A. da Silva, Shuai Yuan, Daniela Zanchet, Yang Shao-Horn, Pablo S. Fernández
Perovskite Oxides as an Opportunity to Systematically Study the Electrooxidation of Alcohols and Polyols on Materials Based on Abundant Elements: Learning from the Experience Using Pure Metals and Metallic Oxides in Electrocatalysis
ACS Applied Energy Materials 6 (2023)
Willis O’Leary, Livia Giordano, Jieun Park, Stephen S. Nonnenmann, Yang Shao-Horn, Jennifer L. M. Rupp
Influence of Sr-Site Deficiency, Ca/Ba/La Doping on the Exsolution of Ni from SrTiO3
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (2023)
Rebecca Riedmayer, Benjamin A. Paren, Landon Schofield, Yang Shao-Horn, Dharik Mallapragada
Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Performance Targets for Achieving 2050 Expansion Goals Constrained by Iridium Supply
Energy & Fuels 37 (2023)
Giovanni Di Liberto, Gianfranco Pacchioni, Yang Shao-Horn, Livia Giordano
Role of Water Solvation on the Key Intermediates Catalyzing Oxygen Evolution on RuO2
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (2023)
Graham Leverick, Gabriela Alvarez Perez, Ryan M. Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn
Temperature-Dependent Discharge of Li-O2 and Na-O2 Batteries
ACS Energy Letters 8 (2023)
Graham Leverick, Yang Shao‐Horn
Controlling Electrolyte Properties and Redox Reactions Using Solvation and Implications in Battery Functions: A Mini‐Review
Advanced Energy Materials 13 (2023)
Yun Guang Zhu, Jen-Hung Fang, Yang Shao-Horn
High Specific-Capacity Al-Graphite Dual-Ion Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 (2023)
Gabriel Bradford, Jeffrey Lopez, Jurgis Ruza, Michael A. Stolberg, Richard Osterude, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Yang Shao-Horn
Chemistry-Informed Machine Learning for Polymer Electrolyte Discovery
ACS Central Science 9 (2023)
Sheng Gong, Tian Xie, Yang Shao-Horn, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Jeffrey Grossman
Examining graph neural networks for crystal structures: limitations and opportunities for capturing periodicity
Samuel I. Etkind, Jeffrey Lopez, Yun Guang Zhu, Jen-Hung Fang, Wen Jie Ong, Yang Shao-Horn, Timothy M. Swager
Thianthrene-Based Bipolar Redox-Active Molecules Toward Symmetric All-Organic Batteries
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10 (2022)
Jiayu Peng, Livia Giordano, Timothy C. Davenport, Yang Shao-Horn
Stability Design Principles of Manganese-Based Oxides in Acid
Chemistry of Materials 34 (2022)
Thaneer Malai Narayanan, Guannan He, Emre Gençer, Yang Shao-Horn, Dharik S. Mallapragada
Role of Liquid Hydrogen Carriers in Deeply Decarbonized Energy Systems
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10 (2022)
Tian Xie, Arthur France-Lanord, Yanming Wang, Jeffrey Lopez, Michael A. Stolberg, Megan Hill, Graham Michael Leverick, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Accelerating amorphous polymer electrolyte screening by learning to reduce errors in molecular dynamics simulated properties
Nature Communications 13 (2022)
Shuai Yuan, Jiayu Peng, Yirui Zhang, Daniel J. Zheng, Sujay Bagi, Tao Wang, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Yang Shao-Horn
Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Fe-Phthalocyanine-Based Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Ligand Functionalization
ACS Catalysis 12 (2022)
Juan José Giner-Sanz, Graham M. Leverick, Livia Giordano, Valentín Pérez-Herranz, Yang Shao-Horn
Alkali Metal Salt Interference on the Salicylate Method for Quantifying Ammonia from Nitrogen Reduction
ECS Advances 1 (2022)
Graham Leverick, Yun Guang Zhu, Sarah Lohmar, Fanny Bardé, Stéphane Cotte, Yang Shao-Horn
Six-Electron Reduction of LiIO3 to LiOH in Aprotic Solvents and Implications for Li–O2 Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022)
Jaclyn R. Lunger, Naomi Lutz, Jiayu Peng, Michal Bajdich, Yang Shao-Horn
Cation-Dependent Multielectron Kinetics of Metal Oxide Splitting
Chemistry of Materials 34 (2022)
Paula Sebastián-Pascual, Yang Shao-Horn, María Escudero-Escribano
Toward understanding the role of the electric double layer structure and electrolyte effects on well-defined interfaces for electrocatalysis
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 32 (2022)
Graham Leverick, Shuting Feng, Pedro Acosta, Samuel Acquaviva, Fanny Bardé, Stéphane Cotte, Yang Shao-Horn
Tunable Redox Mediators for Li–O2 Batteries Based on Interhalide Complexes
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (2022)
Livia Giordano, Karthik Akkiraju, Ryan Jacobs, Daniele Vivona, Dane Morgan, Yang Shao-Horn
Electronic Structure-Based Descriptors for Oxide Properties and Functions
Accounts of Chemical Research 55 (2022)
Nathalie Vonrüti, Reshma Rao, Livia Giordano, Yang Shao-Horn, Ulrich Aschauer
Implications of Nonelectrochemical Reaction Steps on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Oxygen Dimer Formation on Perovskite Oxide and Oxynitride Surfaces
ACS Catalysis 12 (2022)
Soren B. Scott, Jakob E. Sørensen, Reshma R. Rao, Choongman Moon, Jakob Kibsgaard, Yang Shao-Horn, Ib Chorkendorff
The low overpotential regime of acidic water oxidation part II: trends in metal and oxygen stability numbers
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (2022)
Subhash Chandra, Younggyu Kim, Daniele Vivona, Iradwikanari Waluyo, Adrian Hunt, Christoph Schlueter, Jeong Beom Lee, Yang Shao-Horn, Bilge Yildiz
Thermally-driven reactivity of Li0.35La0.55TiO3solid electrolyte with LiCoO2cathode
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (2022)
Yun Guang Zhu, Graham Leverick, Alessandra Accogli, Kiarash Gordiz, Yirui Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn
A high-rate and high-efficiency molten-salt sodium–oxygen battery
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (2022)
Soren B. Scott, Reshma R. Rao, Choongman Moon, Jakob E. Sørensen, Jakob Kibsgaard, Yang Shao-Horn, Ib Chorkendorff
The low overpotential regime of acidic water oxidation part I: the importance of O2 detection
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (2022)
Tzu-Hsien Shen, Liam Spillane, Jiayu Peng, Yang Shao-Horn, Vasiliki Tileli
Switchable wetting of oxygen-evolving oxide catalysts
Nature Catalysis 5 (2021)
Yun Guang Zhu, Thaneer Malai Narayanan, Yukihisa Katayama, Yang Shao-Horn
The Stable 3D Zn Electrode for High-Power Density Zn Metal Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (2021)
Thaneer Malai Narayanan, Yun Guang Zhu, Emre Gençer, Gareth McKinley, Yang Shao-Horn
Low-cost manganese dioxide semi-solid electrode for flow batteries
Gustavo M. Hobold, Jeffrey Lopez, Rui Guo, Nicolò Minafra, Abhik Banerjee, Y. Shirley Meng, Yang Shao-Horn, Betar M. Gallant
Moving beyond 99.9% Coulombic efficiency for lithium anodes in liquid electrolytes
Nature Energy 6 (2021)
Yu Katayama, Ryoma Kubota, Reshma R. Rao, Jonathan Hwang, Livia Giordano, Asuka Morinaga, Takeou Okanishi, Hiroki Muroyama, Toshiaki Matsui, Yang Shao-Horn, Koichi Eguchi
Direct Observation of Surface-Bound Intermediates During Methanol Oxidation on Platinum Under Alkaline Conditions
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021)
Sheng Gong, Shuo Wang, Taishan Zhu, Xi Chen, Zhenze Yang, Markus J. Buehler, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Screening and Understanding Li Adsorption on Two-Dimensional Metallic Materials by Learning Physics and Physics-Simplified Learning
JACS Au 1 (2021)
Tao Wang, Yirui Zhang, Botao Huang, Bin Cai, Reshma R. Rao, Livia Giordano, Shi-Gang Sun, Yang Shao-Horn
Enhancing oxygen reduction electrocatalysis by tuning interfacial hydrogen bonds
Nature Catalysis 4 (2021)
Juan José Giner-Sanz, Graham Leverick, Valentín Pérez-Herranz, Yang Shao-Horn
Optimization of the salicylate method for ammonia quantification from nitrogen electroreduction
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 896 (2021)
Xin He, Dominic Bresser, Stefano Passerini, Florian Baakes, Ulrike Krewer, Jeffrey Lopez, Christopher Thomas Mallia, Yang Shao-Horn, Isidora Cekic-Laskovic, Simon Wiemers-Meyer, Fernando A. Soto, Victor Ponce, Jorge M. Seminario, Perla B. Balbuena, Hao Jia, Wu Xu, Yaobin Xu, Chongmin Wang, Birger Horstmann, Rachid Amine, Chi-Cheung Su, Jiayan Shi, Khalil Amine, Martin Winter, Arnulf Latz, Robert Kostecki
The passivity of lithium electrodes in liquid electrolytes for secondary batteries
Nature Reviews Materials 6 (2021)
Haldrian Iriawan, Suzanne Z. Andersen, Xilun Zhang, Benjamin M. Comer, Jesús Barrio, Ping Chen, Andrew J. Medford, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Ib Chorkendorff, Yang Shao-Horn
Methods for nitrogen activation by reduction and oxidation
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1 (2021)
Sudarshan Vijay, Thomas V. Hogg, Johan Ehlers, Henrik H. Kristoffersen, Yu Katayama, Yang Shao Horn, Ib Chorkendorff, Karen Chan, Brian Seger
Interaction of CO with Gold in an Electrochemical Environment
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021)
Jonathan Hwang, Reshma R. Rao, Livia Giordano, Karthik Akkiraju, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Ethan J. Crumlin, Hendrik Bluhm, Yang Shao-Horn
Regulating oxygen activity of perovskites to promote NOx oxidation and reduction kinetics
Nature Catalysis 4 (2021)
Xiyang Cai, Haldrian Iriawan, Fan Yang, Liuxuan Luo, Shuiyun Shen, Yang Shao-Horn, Junliang Zhang
Interaction of Ammonia with Nafion and Electrolyte in Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction Study
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (2021)
Nicolò Minafra, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn
Finding the right balance
Nature Energy 6 (2021)
Shuiliang Wang, Zhequn Huang, Wenbo Shi, Dongwook Lee, Qixiang Wang, Wen Shang, Yosi Stein, Yang Shao-Horn, Tao Deng, Brian L. Wardle, Kehang Cui
Unzipping Carbon Nanotube Bundles through NH−π Stacking for Enhanced Electrical and Thermal Transport
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021)
Yang Yu, Yirui Zhang, Livia Giordano, Yun Guang Zhu, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Forrest S. Gittleson, Yang Shao-Horn
Enhanced Cycling of Ni-Rich Positive Electrodes by Fluorine Modification
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (2021)
Kiarash Gordiz, Sokseiha Muy, Wolfgang G. Zeier, Yang Shao-Horn, Asegun Henry
Enhancement of ion diffusion by targeted phonon excitation
Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (2021)
Alina I. Inozemtseva, Elmar Yu. Kataev, Alexander S. Frolov, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Klára Beranová, Virginia Pérez Dieste, Carlos Escudero, Alexander Fedorov, Artem V. Tarasov, Dmitry Yu. Usachov, Denis V. Vyalikh, Yang Shao-Horn, Daniil M. Itkis, Lada V. Yashina
On the catalytic and degradative role of oxygen-containing groups on carbon electrode in non-aqueous ORR
Carbon 176 (2021)
Reshma R. Rao, Botao Huang, Yu Katayama, Jonathan Hwang, Tomoya Kawaguchi, Jaclyn R. Lunger, Jiayu Peng, Yirui Zhang, Asuka Morinaga, Hua Zhou, Hoydoo You, Yang Shao-Horn
pH- and Cation-Dependent Water Oxidation on Rutile RuO2(110)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021)
Weijiang Xue, Mingjun Huang, Yutao Li, Yun Guang Zhu, Rui Gao, Xianghui Xiao, Wenxu Zhang, Sipei Li, Guiyin Xu, Yang Yu, Peng Li, Jeffrey Lopez, Daiwei Yu, Yanhao Dong, Weiwei Fan, Zhe Shi, Rui Xiong, Cheng-Jun Sun, Inhui Hwang, Wah-Keat Lee, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Ju Li
Ultra-high-voltage Ni-rich layered cathodes in practical Li metal batteries enabled by a sulfonamide-based electrolyte
Nature Energy 6 (2021)
Botao Huang, Kyaw Hpone Myint, Yanming Wang, Yirui Zhang, Reshma R. Rao, Jame Sun, Sokseiha Muy, Yu Katayama, Juan Corchado Garcia, Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Martin Z. Bazant, Kang Xu, Adam P. Willard, Yang Shao-Horn
Cation-Dependent Interfacial Structures and Kinetics for Outer-Sphere Electron-Transfer Reactions
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021)
Wenxu Zhang, Shuting Feng, Mingjun Huang, Bo Qiao, Keisuke Shigenobu, Livia Giordano, Jeffrey Lopez, Ryoichi Tatara, Kazuhide Ueno, Kaoru Dokko, Masayoshi Watanabe, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Molecularly Tunable Polyanions for Single-Ion Conductors and Poly(solvate ionic liquids)
Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021)
Sujay Bagi, Shuai Yuan, Sergio Rojas-Buzo, Yang Shao-Horn, Yuriy Román-Leshkov
A continuous flow chemistry approach for the ultrafast and low-cost synthesis of MOF-808
Green Chemistry 23 (2021)
Yang Yu, Pinar Karayaylali, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Livia Giordano, Ronghui Kou, Cheng-Jun Sun, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Forrest S. Gittleson, Yang Shao-Horn
Towards controlling the reversibility of anionic redox in transition metal oxides for high-energy Li-ion positive electrodes
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2021)
Weijiang Xue, Rui Gao, Zhe Shi, Xianghui Xiao, Wenxu Zhang, Yirui Zhang, Yun Guang Zhu, Iradwikanari Waluyo, Yao Li, Megan R. Hill, Zhi Zhu, Sa Li, Oleg Kuznetsov, Yiman Zhang, Wah-Keat Lee, Adrian Hunt, Avetik Harutyunyan, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Ju Li
Stabilizing electrode–electrolyte interfaces to realize high-voltage Li||LiCoO2 batteries by a sulfonamide-based electrolyte
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2021)
Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Michael McEldrew, Raymond B. Smith, Yamini Krishnan, Yirui Zhang, Peng Bai, William C. Chueh, Yang Shao-Horn, Martin Z. Bazant
Theory of coupled ion-electron transfer kinetics
Electrochimica Acta 367 (2021)
Sudarshan Vijay, Henrik H. Kristoffersen, Yu Katayama, Yang Shao-Horn, Ib Chorkendorff, Brian Seger, Karen Chan
How to extract adsorption energies, adsorbate–adsorbate interaction parameters and saturation coverages from temperature programmed desorption experiments
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (2021)
Birger Horstmann, Jiayan Shi, Rachid Amine, Martin Werres, Xin He, Hao Jia, Florian Hausen, Isidora Cekic-Laskovic, Simon Wiemers-Meyer, Jeffrey Lopez, Diego Galvez-Aranda, Florian Baakes, Dominic Bresser, Chi-Cheung Su, Yaobin Xu, Wu Xu, Peter Jakes, Rüdiger-A. Eichel, Egbert Figgemeier, Ulrike Krewer, Jorge M. Seminario, Perla B. Balbuena, Chongmin Wang, Stefano Passerini, Yang Shao-Horn, Martin Winter, Khalil Amine, Robert Kostecki, Arnulf Latz
Strategies towards enabling lithium metal in batteries: interphases and electrodes
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2021)
Sokseiha Muy, Roman Schlem, Yang Shao‐Horn, Wolfgang G. Zeier
Phonon–Ion Interactions: Designing Ion Mobility Based on Lattice Dynamics
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (2020)
Tao Wang, Yirui Zhang, Botao Huang, Bin Cai, Reshma Rao, Livia Giordano, Shi-Gang Sun, Yang Shao-Horn
Enhancing the Catalysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction via Tuning Interfacial Hydrogen Bonds
Yang Yu, Pinar Karayaylali, Livia Giordano, Juan Corchado-García, Jonathan Hwang, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Forrest S. Gittleson, Yang Shao-Horn
Probing Depth-Dependent Transition-Metal Redox of Lithium Nickel, Manganese, and Cobalt Oxides in Li-Ion Batteries
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020)
Yoichiro Tsuji, Shinnosuke Sako, Kiyofumi Nitta, Kentaro Yamamoto, Yang Shao-horn, Yoshiharu Uchimoto, Yuki Orikasa
Surface analysis of lanthanum strontium cobalt oxides under cathodic polarization at high temperature through operando total-reflection X-ray absorption and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Solid State Ionics 357 (2020)
Emily Crabb, Arthur France-Lanord, Graham Leverick, Ryan Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Importance of Equilibration Method and Sampling for Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Solvent–Lithium-Salt Systems in Lithium-Oxygen Batteries
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (2020)
Tural Khudiyev, Jung Tae Lee, Jason R. Cox, Eric Argentieri, Gabriel Loke, Rodger Yuan, Grace H. Noel, Ryoichi Tatara, Yang Yu, Frannie Logan, John Joannopoulos, Yang Shao‐Horn, Yoel Fink
100 m Long Thermally Drawn Supercapacitor Fibers with Applications to 3D Printing and Textiles
Advanced Materials 32 (2020)
Tomoya Kawaguchi, Reshma R. Rao, Jaclyn R. Lunger, Yihua Liu, Donald Walko, Evguenia A. Karapetrova, Vladimir Komanicky, Yang Shao-Horn, Hoydoo You
Stern layers on RuO2 (100) and (110) in electrolyte: Surface X-ray scattering studies
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 875 (2020)
Juan José Giner-Sanz, Graham M. Leverick, Valentín Pérez-Herranz, Yang Shao-Horn
Salicylate Method for Ammonia Quantification in Nitrogen Electroreduction Experiments: The Correction of Iron III Interference
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (2020)
Shuai Yuan, Yanding Li, Jiayu Peng, Ydna M. Questell‐Santiago, Karthik Akkiraju, Livia Giordano, Daniel J. Zheng, Sujay Bagi, Yuriy Román‐Leshkov, Yang Shao‐Horn
Conversion of Methane into Liquid Fuels—Bridging Thermal Catalysis with Electrocatalysis
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2020)
Tzu-Hsien Shen, Liam Spillane, Jan Vavra, Thi Ha My Pham, Jiayu Peng, Yang Shao-Horn, Vasiliki Tileli
Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ Aided by Intrinsic Co/Fe Spinel-Like Surface
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (2020)
Reshma R. Rao, Michał Tułodziecki, Binghong Han, Marcel Risch, Artem Abakumov, Yang Yu, Pinar Karayaylali, Magali Gauthier, María Escudero‐Escribano, Yuki Orikasa, Yang Shao‐Horn
Reactivity with Water and Bulk Ruthenium Redox of Lithium Ruthenate in Basic Solutions
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2020)
Bo Qiao, Somesh Mohapatra, Jeffrey Lopez, Graham M. Leverick, Ryoichi Tatara, Yoshiki Shibuya, Yivan Jiang, Arthur France-Lanord, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn
Quantitative Mapping of Molecular Substituents to Macroscopic Properties Enables Predictive Design of Oligoethylene Glycol-Based Lithium Electrolytes
ACS Central Science 6 (2020)
Nenian Charles, Yang Yu, Livia Giordano, Roland Jung, Filippo Maglia, Yang Shao-Horn
Toward Establishing Electronic and Phononic Signatures of Reversible Lattice Oxygen Oxidation in Lithium Transition Metal Oxides For Li-Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020)
Reshma R. Rao, Manuel J. Kolb, Livia Giordano, Anders Filsøe Pedersen, Yu Katayama, Jonathan Hwang, Apurva Mehta, Hoydoo You, Jaclyn R. Lunger, Hua Zhou, Niels Bendtsen Halck, Tejs Vegge, Ib Chorkendorff, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn
Operando identification of site-dependent water oxidation activity on ruthenium dioxide single-crystal surfaces
Nature Catalysis 3 (2020)
Yanming Wang, Tian Xie, Arthur France-Lanord, Arthur Berkley, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Toward Designing Highly Conductive Polymer Electrolytes by Machine Learning Assisted Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics
Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020)
Bo Qiao, Somesh Mohapatra, Jeffrey Lopez, Graham Leverick, Ryoichi Tatara, Yoshiki Shibuya, Yivan Jiang, Arthur France-Lanord, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Jeremiah Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn
Quantitative Mapping of Molecular Substituents to Macroscopic Properties Enables Predictive Design of Oligoethyleneglycol-Based Lithium Electrolytes
Pinar Karayaylali, Yirui Zhang, Livia Giordano, Yu Katayama, Ryoichi Tatara, Yang Yu, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Yang Shao-Horn
The Role of Diphenyl Carbonate Additive on the Interfacial Reactivity of Positive Electrodes in Li-ion Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (2020)
Shaobo Han, Chao Cai, Fei Yang, Yuanmin Zhu, Qian Sun, Yun Guang Zhu, Hui Li, Haijiang Wang, Yang Shao-Horn, Xueliang Sun, Meng Gu
Interrogation of the Reaction Mechanism in a Na–O2 Battery Using In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
ACS Nano 14 (2020)
Denis A. Kuznetsov, Jiayu Peng, Livia Giordano, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Yang Shao-Horn
Bismuth Substituted Strontium Cobalt Perovskites for Catalyzing Oxygen Evolution
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020)
Graham Leverick, Ryoichi Tatara, Shuting Feng, Emily Crabb, Arthur France-Lanord, Michal Tułodziecki, Jeffrey Lopez, Ryan M. Stephens, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Yang Shao-Horn
Solvent- and Anion-Dependent Li+–O2 Coupling Strength and Implications on the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Li–O2 Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020)
William P. Mounfield, Botao Huang, Bin Cai, Yang Shao-Horn, Yuriy Román-Leshkov
Synthesis of unsupported two-dimensional molybdenum carbide nanosheets for hydrogen evolution
Materials Letters 261 (2020)
Nolan M. Gallagher, Hong‐Zhou Ye, Shuting Feng, Jeffrey Lopez, Yun Guang Zhu, Troy Van Voorhis, Yang Shao‐Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
An N‐Heterocyclic‐Carbene‐Derived Distonic Radical Cation
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (2020)
Chao-Yu Li, Yang Yu, Chen Wang, Yirui Zhang, Shi-Yao Zheng, Jian-Feng Li, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Zhong-Qun Tian, Yang Shao-Horn
Surface Changes of LiNixMnyCo1–xyO2 in Li-Ion Batteries Using in Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020)
Yirui Zhang, Yu Katayama, Ryoichi Tatara, Livia Giordano, Yang Yu, Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Jame Guangwen Sun, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Martin Z. Bazant, Yang Shao-Horn
Revealing electrolyte oxidation via carbonate dehydrogenation on Ni-based oxides in Li-ion batteries by in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (2020)
Weijiang Xue, Zhe Shi, Mingjun Huang, Shuting Feng, Chao Wang, Fei Wang, Jeffrey Lopez, Bo Qiao, Guiyin Xu, Wenxu Zhang, Yanhao Dong, Rui Gao, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Ju Li
FSI-inspired solvent and “full fluorosulfonyl” electrolyte for 4 V class lithium-metal batteries
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (2020)
Dimitrios Fraggedakis, Neel Nadkarni, Tao Gao, Tingtao Zhou, Yirui Zhang, Yu Han, Ryan M. Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn, Martin Z. Bazant
A scaling law to determine phase morphologies during ion intercalation
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (2020)
Yun Guang Zhu, Thaneer Malai Narayanan, Michal Tulodziecki, Hernan Sanchez-Casalongue, Quinn C. Horn, Laura Meda, Yang Yu, Jame Sun, Tom Regier, Gareth H. McKinley, Yang Shao-Horn
High-energy and high-power Zn–Ni flow batteries with semi-solid electrodes
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 4 (2020)
Roman Schlem, Sokseiha Muy, Nils Prinz, Ananya Banik, Yang Shao‐Horn, Mirijam Zobel, Wolfgang G. Zeier
Mechanochemical Synthesis: A Tool to Tune Cation Site Disorder and Ionic Transport Properties of Li3MCl6 (M = Y, Er) Superionic Conductors
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2019)
Daniel Göhl, Aaron Garg, Paul Paciok, Karl J. J. Mayrhofer, Marc Heggen, Yang Shao-Horn, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Marc Ledendecker
Engineering stable electrocatalysts by synergistic stabilization between carbide cores and Pt shells
Nature Materials 19 (2019)
Arthur France-Lanord, Yanming Wang, Tian Xie, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Effect of Chemical Variations in the Structure of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Polymers on Lithium Transport in Concentrated Electrolytes
Chemistry of Materials 32 (2019)
Jonathan Hwang, Zhenxing Feng, Nenian Charles, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Dongkyu Lee, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Sokseiha Muy, Reshma R. Rao, Dongwook Lee, Ryan Jacobs, Dane Morgan, Yang Shao-Horn
Tuning perovskite oxides by strain: Electronic structure, properties, and functions in (electro)catalysis and ferroelectricity
Materials Today 31 (2019)
Muratahan Aykol, Jens S. Hummelshøj, Abraham Anapolsky, Koutarou Aoyagi, Martin Z. Bazant, Thomas Bligaard, Richard D. Braatz, Scott Broderick, Daniel Cogswell, John Dagdelen, Walter Drisdell, Edwin Garcia, Krishna Garikipati, Vikram Gavini, William E. Gent, Livia Giordano, Carla P. Gomes, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Chirranjeevi Balaji Gopal, John M. Gregoire, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Patrick Herring, Linda Hung, Thomas F. Jaramillo, Laurie King, Ha-Kyung Kwon, Ryosuke Maekawa, Andrew M. Minor, Joseph H. Montoya, Tim Mueller, Colin Ophus, Krishna Rajan, Rampi Ramprasad, Brian Rohr, Daniel Schweigert, Yang Shao-Horn, Yoshinori Suga, Santosh K. Suram, Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan, Jay F. Whitacre, Adam P. Willard, Olga Wodo, Chris Wolverton, Brian D. Storey
The Materials Research Platform: Defining the Requirements from User Stories
Matter 1 (2019)
Shuai Yuan, Jiayu Peng, Yirui Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn
Stability Trend of Metal–Organic Frameworks with Heterometal-Modified Hexanuclear Zr Building Units
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019)
Bin Cai, Karthik Akkiraju, William P. Mounfield, Zhenshu Wang, Xing Li, Botao Huang, Shuai Yuan, Dong Su, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Yang Shao-Horn
Solid-State Gelation for Nanostructured Perovskite Oxide Aerogels
Chemistry of Materials 31 (2019)
Shuting Feng, Mingjun Huang, Jessica R. Lamb, Wenxu Zhang, Ryoichi Tatara, Yirui Zhang, Yun Guang Zhu, Collin F. Perkinson, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn
Molecular Design of Stable Sulfamide- and Sulfonamide-Based Electrolytes for Aprotic Li-O2 Batteries
Yang Yu, Pinar Karayaylali, Stanisław H. Nowak, Livia Giordano, Magali Gauthier, Wesley Hong, Ronghui Kou, Qinghao Li, John Vinson, Thomas Kroll, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Cheng-Jun Sun, Nenian Charles, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Yang Shao-Horn
Revealing Electronic Signatures of Lattice Oxygen Redox in Lithium Ruthenates and Implications for High-Energy Li-Ion Battery Material Designs
Chemistry of Materials 31 (2019)
Jonathan Hwang, Karthik Akkiraju, Juan Corchado-García, Yang Shao-Horn
A Perovskite Electronic Structure Descriptor for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction and the Competing H2 Evolution Reaction
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019)
Ryoichi Tatara, Yang Yu, Pinar Karayaylali, Averey K. Chan, Yirui Zhang, Roland Jung, Filippo Maglia, Livia Giordano, Yang Shao-Horn
Enhanced Cycling Performance of Ni-Rich Positive Electrodes (NMC) in Li-Ion Batteries by Reducing Electrolyte Free-Solvent Activity
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019)
Mingjun Huang, Shuting Feng, Wenxu Zhang, Jeffrey Lopez, Bo Qiao, Ryoichi Tatara, Livia Giordano, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Design of S-Substituted Fluorinated Aryl Sulfonamide-Tagged (S-FAST) Anions To Enable New Solvate Ionic Liquids for Battery Applications
Chemistry of Materials 31 (2019)
Denis Kuznetsov, Jiayu Peng, Livia Giordano, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Yang Shao-Horn
Bismuth Substituted Strontium Cobalt Perovskites for Catalyzing Oxygen Evolution
Livia Giordano, Thomas M. Østergaard, Sokseiha Muy, Yang Yu, Nenian Charles, Soo Kim, Yirui Zhang, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Isaac Lund, Jan Rossmeisl, Yang Shao-Horn
Ligand-Dependent Energetics for Dehydrogenation: Implications in Li-Ion Battery Electrolyte Stability and Selective Oxidation Catalysis of Hydrogen-Containing Molecules
Chemistry of Materials 31 (2019)
Tian Xie, Arthur France-Lanord, Yanming Wang, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeffrey C. Grossman
Graph dynamical networks for unsupervised learning of atomic scale dynamics in materials
Nature Communications 10 (2019)
Stefano Mezzavilla, Yu Katayama, Reshma Rao, Jonathan Hwang, Anna Regoutz, Yang Shao-Horn, Ib Chorkendorff, Ifan E. L. Stephens
Activity–or Lack Thereof–of RuO2-Based Electrodes in the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019)
Sokseiha Muy, Johannes Voss, Roman Schlem, Raimund Koerver, Stefan J. Sedlmaier, Filippo Maglia, Peter Lamp, Wolfgang G. Zeier, Yang Shao-Horn
High-Throughput Screening of Solid-State Li-Ion Conductors Using Lattice-Dynamics Descriptors
iScience 16 (2019)
Thomas P. Batcho, Graham Leverick, Yang Shao-Horn, Carl V. Thompson
Modeling the Effect of Lithium Superoxide Solvation and Surface Reduction Kinetics on Discharge Capacity in Lithium–Oxygen Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019)
Reinis Ignatans, Giuseppe Mallia, Ehsan A. Ahmad, Liam Spillane, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Yang Shao-Horn, Nicholas M. Harrison, Vasiliki Tileli
The Effect of Surface Reconstruction on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Properties of LaMnO3
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019)
Tianjie Qiu, Zibin Liang, Wenhan Guo, Song Gao, Chong Qu, Hassina Tabassum, Hao Zhang, Bingjun Zhu, Ruqiang Zou, Yang Shao-Horn
Highly exposed ruthenium-based electrocatalysts from bimetallic metal-organic frameworks for overall water splitting
Nano Energy 58 (2019)
Graham Leverick, Michał Tułodziecki, Ryoichi Tatara, Fanny Bardé, Yang Shao-Horn
Solvent-Dependent Oxidizing Power of LiI Redox Couples for Li-O2 Batteries
Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Mu-Hyun Baik, Shankar Balasubramanian, Rahul Banerjee, Suzanne Bart, Nadine Borduas-Dedekind, Sukbok Chang, Peng Chen, Clemence Corminboeuf, François-Xavier Coudert, Leroy Cronin, Cathleen Crudden, Tanja Cuk, Abigail G. Doyle, Chunhai Fan, Xinliang Feng, Danna Freedman, Shuhei Furukawa, Suhrit Ghosh, Frank Glorius, Malika Jeffries-EL, Nathalie Katsonis, Ang Li, Sara Snogerup Linse, Silvia Marchesan, Nuno Maulide, Anat Milo, Alison R. H. Narayan, Panče Naumov, Cristina Nevado, Tebello Nyokong, Rosa Palacin, Marc Reid, Carol Robinson, Gregory Robinson, Richmond Sarpong, Corinna Schindler, Gabriela S. Schlau-Cohen, Timothy W. Schmidt, Roberta Sessoli, Yang Shao-Horn, Hanadi Sleiman, John Sutherland, Annette Taylor, Akif Tezcan, Mariola Tortosa, Aron Walsh, Allan J. B. Watson, Bert M. Weckhuysen, Emily Weiss, Daniela Wilson, Vivian W.-W. Yam, Xueming Yang, Jackie Y. Ying, Tehshik Yoon, Shu-Li You, Aldo J. G. Zarbin, Hua Zhang
Charting a course for chemistry
Nature Chemistry 11 (2019)
Chao Wei, Reshma R. Rao, Jiayu Peng, Botao Huang, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Marcel Risch, Zhichuan J. Xu, Yang Shao‐Horn
Recommended Practices and Benchmark Activity for Hydrogen and Oxygen Electrocatalysis in Water Splitting and Fuel Cells
Advanced Materials 31 (2019)
Ryan Jacobs, Jonathan Hwang, Yang Shao-Horn, Dane Morgan
Assessing Correlations of Perovskite Catalytic Performance with Electronic Structure Descriptors
Chemistry of Materials 31 (2019)
Z. H. Zhu, J. Strempfer, R. R. Rao, C. A. Occhialini, J. Pelliciari, Y. Choi, T. Kawaguchi, H. You, J. F. Mitchell, Y. Shao-Horn, R. Comin
Anomalous Antiferromagnetism in Metallic RuO2 Determined by Resonant X-ray Scattering
Physical Review Letters 122 (2019)
Averey K. Chan, Ryoichi Tatara, Shuting Feng, Pinar Karayaylali, Jeffrey Lopez, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn
Concentrated Electrolytes for Enhanced Stability of Al-Alloy Negative Electrodes in Li-Ion Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (2019)
Pinar Karayaylali, Ryoichi Tatara, Yirui Zhang, Kuei-Lin Chan, Yang Yu, Livia Giordano, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Isaac Lund, Yang Shao-Horn
Editors' Choice—Coating-Dependent Electrode-Electrolyte Interface for Ni-Rich Positive Electrodes in Li-Ion Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (2019)
Tatiana K. Zakharchenko, Mikhail V. Avdeev, Artem V. Sergeev, Alexander V. Chertovich, Oleksandr I. Ivankov, Viktor I. Petrenko, Yang Shao-Horn, Lada V. Yashina, Daniil M. Itkis
Small-angle neutron scattering studies of pore filling in carbon electrodes: mechanisms limiting lithium–air battery capacity
Nanoscale 11 (2019)
Yu Katayama, Francesco Nattino, Livia Giordano, Jonathan Hwang, Reshma R. Rao, Oliviero Andreussi, Nicola Marzari, Yang Shao-Horn
An In Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Selectivity Dependence on Surface C-Bound and O-Bound Reaction Intermediates
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2018)
Ryoichi Tatara, Pinar Karayaylali, Yang Yu, Yirui Zhang, Livia Giordano, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Jan Philipp Schmidt, Isaac Lund, Yang Shao-Horn
The Effect of Electrode-Electrolyte Interface on the Electrochemical Impedance Spectra for Positive Electrode in Li-Ion Battery
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (2018)
Dongwook Lee, Jiawei Zhou, Gang Chen, Yang Shao‐Horn
Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties for PEDOT:PSS/Undoped Ge Thin‐Film Bilayered Heterostructures
Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (2018)
Brandon J. Hopkins, Yang Shao-Horn, Douglas P. Hart
Suppressing corrosion in primary aluminum–air batteries via oil displacement
Science 362 (2018)
Yang Yu, Pinar Karayaylali, Yu Katayama, Livia Giordano, Magali Gauthier, Filippo Maglia, Roland Jung, Isaac Lund, Yang Shao-Horn
Coupled LiPF6 Decomposition and Carbonate Dehydrogenation Enhanced by Highly Covalent Metal Oxides in High-Energy Li-Ion Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Jonathan Hwang, Reshma R. Rao, Wesley T. Hong, C. M. Rouleau, Dongwook Lee, Yi Yu, Ethan J. Crumlin, Yang Shao-Horn
Speciation and Electronic Structure of La1−xSrxCoO3−δ During Oxygen Electrolysis
Topics in Catalysis 61 (2018)
Yoshiki Shibuya, Ryoichi Tatara, Yivan Jiang, Yang Shao‐Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Brush‐First ROMP of poly(ethylene oxide) macromonomers of varied length: impact of polymer architecture on thermal behavior and Li+ conductivity
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 57 (2018)
Wei Kong, Huashan Li, Kuan Qiao, Yunjo Kim, Kyusang Lee, Yifan Nie, Doyoon Lee, Tom Osadchy, Richard J Molnar, D. Kurt Gaskill, Rachael L. Myers-Ward, Kevin M. Daniels, Yuewei Zhang, Suresh Sundram, Yang Yu, Sang-hoon Bae, Siddharth Rajan, Yang Shao-Horn, Kyeongjae Cho, Abdallah Ougazzaden, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Jeehwan Kim
Polarity governs atomic interaction through two-dimensional materials
Nature Materials 17 (2018)
Thorben Krauskopf, Sokseiha Muy, Sean P. Culver, Saneyuki Ohno, Olivier Delaire, Yang Shao-Horn, Wolfgang G. Zeier
Comparing the Descriptors for Investigating the Influence of Lattice Dynamics on Ionic Transport Using the Superionic Conductor Na3PS4–xSex
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (2018)
Xiaoxue Wang, Xu Zhang, Lei Sun, Dongwook Lee, Sunghwan Lee, Minghui Wang, Junjie Zhao, Yang Shao-Horn, Mircea Dincă, Tomás Palacios, Karen K. Gleason
High electrical conductivity and carrier mobility in oCVD PEDOT thin films by engineered crystallization and acid treatment
Science Advances 4 (2018)
Daniele Perego, Jillian Swee Teng Heng, Xinghui Wang, Yang Shao-Horn, Carl V. Thompson
High-performance polycrystalline RuOx cathodes for thin film Li-ion batteries
Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018)
Patrick A. Linford, Lin Xu, Botao Huang, Yang Shao-Horn, Carl V. Thompson
Multi-cell thermogalvanic systems for harvesting energy from cyclic temperature changes
Journal of Power Sources 399 (2018)
Shuting Feng, Jaclyn R. Lunger, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn
Hot lithium-oxygen batteries charge ahead
Science 361 (2018)
Wenxu Zhang, Mingjun Huang, Sarah al Abdullatif, Mao Chen, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Reduction of (Meth)acrylate-Based Block Copolymers Provides Access to Self-Assembled Materials with Ultrasmall Domains
Macromolecules 51 (2018)
P. Sebastian, M. Tułodziecki, M.P. Bernicola, V. Climent, E. Gómez, Y. Shao-Horn, J.M. Feliu
Use of CO as a Cleaning Tool of Highly Active Surfaces in Contact with Ionic Liquids: Ni Deposition on Pt(111) Surfaces in IL
ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (2018)
Jonathan Hwang, Reshma R. Rao, Yu Katayama, Dongkyu Lee, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Ethan Crumlin, Thirumalai Venkatesan, Ho Nyung Lee, Yang Shao-Horn
CO2 Reactivity on Cobalt-Based Perovskites
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
Claudie Roy, Reshma R. Rao, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Jonathan Hwang, Jan Rossmeisl, Ib Chorkendorff, Yang Shao-Horn, Ifan E. L. Stephens
Trends in Activity and Dissolution on RuO2 under Oxygen Evolution Conditions: Particles versus Well-Defined Extended Surfaces
ACS Energy Letters 3 (2018)
Sokseiha Muy, John C. Bachman, Hao-Hsun Chang, Livia Giordano, Filippo Maglia, Saskia Lupart, Peter Lamp, Wolfgang G. Zeier, Yang Shao-Horn
Lithium Conductivity and Meyer-Neldel Rule in Li3PO4–Li3VO4–Li4GeO4 Lithium Superionic Conductors
Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018)
Ryoichi Tatara, Graham M. Leverick, Shuting Feng, Stefan Wan, Shoshi Terada, Kaoru Dokko, Masayoshi Watanabe, Yang Shao-Horn
Tuning NaO2 Cube Sizes by Controlling Na+ and Solvent Activity in Na–O2 Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
Katherine R. Phillips, Yu Katayama, Jonathan Hwang, Yang Shao-Horn
Sulfide-Derived Copper for Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Formic Acid
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (2018)
Bo Qiao, Graham M. Leverick, Wei Zhao, Amar H. Flood, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Yang Shao-Horn
Supramolecular Regulation of Anions Enhances Conductivity and Transference Number of Lithium in Liquid Electrolytes
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (2018)
Reshma R. Rao, Manuel J. Kolb, Jonathan Hwang, Anders Filsøe Pedersen, Apurva Mehta, Hoydoo You, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Zhenxing Feng, Hua Zhou, Hendrik Bluhm, Livia Giordano, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn
Surface Orientation Dependent Water Dissociation on Rutile Ruthenium Dioxide
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
A. Chaudhuri, L. Mandal, X. Chi, M. Yang, M. C. Scott, M. Motapothula, X. J. Yu, P. Yang, Y. Shao-Horn, T. Venkatesan, A. T. S. Wee, A. Rusydi
Direct observation of anisotropic small-hole polarons in an orthorhombic structure of BiVO4 films
Physical Review B 97 (2018)
Yu Katayama, Livia Giordano, Reshma R. Rao, Jonathan Hwang, Hiroki Muroyama, Toshiaki Matsui, Koichi Eguchi, Yang Shao-Horn
Surface (Electro)chemistry of CO2 on Pt Surface: An in Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy Study
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
Thomas M. Østergaard, Livia Giordano, Ivano E. Castelli, Filippo Maglia, Byron K. Antonopoulos, Yang Shao-Horn, Jan Rossmeisl
Oxidation of Ethylene Carbonate on Li Metal Oxide Surfaces
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
Binghong Han, Alexis Grimaud, Livia Giordano, Wesley T. Hong, Oscar Diaz-Morales, Lee Yueh-Lin, Jonathan Hwang, Nenian Charles, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Wanli Yang, Marc T. M. Koper, Yang Shao-Horn
Iron-Based Perovskites for Catalyzing Oxygen Evolution Reaction
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)
Musbaudeen O. Bamgbopa, Yang Shao-Horn, Raed Hashaikeh, Saif Almheiri
Cyclable membraneless redox flow batteries based on immiscible liquid electrolytes: Demonstration with all-iron redox chemistry
Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018)
Denis A. Kuznetsov, Binghong Han, Yang Yu, Reshma R. Rao, Jonathan Hwang, Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Yang Shao-Horn
Tuning Redox Transitions via Inductive Effect in Metal Oxides and Complexes, and Implications in Oxygen Electrocatalysis
Roland Jung, Robert Morasch, Pinar Karayaylali, Katherine Phillips, Filippo Maglia, Christoph Stinner, Yang Shao-Horn, Hubert A. Gasteiger
Effect of Ambient Storage on the Degradation of Ni-Rich Positive Electrode Materials (NMC811) for Li-Ion Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (2018)
Sokseiha Muy, John C. Bachman, Livia Giordano, Hao-Hsun Chang, Douglas L. Abernathy, Dipanshu Bansal, Olivier Delaire, Satoshi Hori, Ryoji Kanno, Filippo Maglia, Saskia Lupart, Peter Lamp, Yang Shao-Horn
Tuning mobility and stability of lithium ion conductors based on lattice dynamics
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (2018)
William P. Mounfield, Aaron Garg, Yang Shao-Horn, Yuriy Román-Leshkov
Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction for the Production of Hydrogen Peroxide
Botao Huang, Sokseiha Muy, Shuting Feng, Yu Katayama, Yi-Chun Lu, Gang Chen, Yang Shao-Horn
Non-covalent interactions in electrochemical reactions and implications in clean energy applications
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (2018)
Mingjun Huang, Shuting Feng, Wenxu Zhang, Livia Giordano, Mao Chen, Chibueze V. Amanchukwu, Robinson Anandakathir, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Fluorinated Aryl Sulfonimide Tagged (FAST) salts: modular synthesis and structure–property relationships for battery applications
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (2018)
Magali Gauthier, Pinar Karayaylali, Livia Giordano, Shuting Feng, Simon F. Lux, Filippo Maglia, Peter Lamp, Yang Shao-Horn
Probing Surface Chemistry Changes Using LiCoO2-only Electrodes in Li-Ion Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (2018)
Binghong Han, Marcel Risch, Samuel Belden, Seonggyu Lee, Domnik Bayer, Eva Mutoro, Yang Shao-Horn
Screening Oxide Support Materials for OER Catalysts in Acid
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (2018)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Wesley T. Hong, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Reshma R. Rao, Srinivas Bengaluru Subramanyam, Changjian Li, T. Venkatesan, Qiang Liu, Ethan J. Crumlin, Kripa K. Varanasi, Yang Shao-Horn
Decreasing the Hydroxylation Affinity of La1–xSrxMnO3 Perovskites To Promote Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis
Chemistry of Materials 29 (2017)
Jonathan Hwang, Reshma R. Rao, Livia Giordano, Yu Katayama, Yang Yu, Yang Shao-Horn
Perovskites in catalysis and electrocatalysis
Science 358 (2017)
Joseph S. Elias, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Wesley T. Hong, Marcel Risch, Livia Giordano, Azzam N. Mansour, Yang Shao-Horn
In Situ Spectroscopy and Mechanistic Insights into CO Oxidation on Transition-Metal-Substituted Ceria Nanoparticles
ACS Catalysis 7 (2017)
Marcel Risch, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Binghong Han, Tom Z. Regier, Derek Peak, Sayed Youssef Sayed, Chao Wei, Zhichuan Xu, Yang Shao-Horn
Redox Processes of Manganese Oxide in Catalyzing Oxygen Evolution and Reduction: An in Situ Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017)
Livia Giordano, Pinar Karayaylali, Yang Yu, Yu Katayama, Filippo Maglia, Simon Lux, Yang Shao-Horn
Chemical Reactivity Descriptor for the Oxide-Electrolyte Interface in Li-Ion Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (2017)
Alexis Grimaud, Oscar Diaz-Morales, Binghong Han, Wesley T. Hong, Yueh-Lin Lee, Livia Giordano, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Marc T. M. Koper, Yang Shao-Horn
Addendum: Activating lattice oxygen redox reactions in metal oxides to catalyse oxygen evolution
Nature Chemistry 9 (2017)
Seol A. Cho, Yu Jin Jang, Hee‐Dae Lim, Ji‐Eun Lee, Yoon Hee Jang, Trang‐Thi Hong Nguyen, Filipe Marques Mota, David P. Fenning, Kisuk Kang, Yang Shao‐Horn, Dong Ha Kim
Hierarchical Porous Carbonized Co3O4 Inverse Opals via Combined Block Copolymer and Colloid Templating as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts in Li–O2 Battery
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (2017)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Reshma R. Rao, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Wesley T. Hong, Christopher M. Rouleau, Yang Shao-Horn
The Role of Ru Redox in pH-Dependent Oxygen Evolution on Rutile Ruthenium Dioxide Surfaces
Ryoichi Tatara, David G. Kwabi, Thomas P. Batcho, Michal Tulodziecki, Kenta Watanabe, Hoi-Min Kwon, Morgan L. Thomas, Kazuhide Ueno, Carl V. Thompson, Kaoru Dokko, Yang Shao-Horn, Masayoshi Watanabe
Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Highly Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions of Lithium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide/Dimethyl Sulfoxide
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017)
Chao Wei, Zhenxing Feng, Günther G. Scherer, James Barber, Yang Shao‐Horn, Zhichuan J. Xu
Cations in Octahedral Sites: A Descriptor for Oxygen Electrocatalysis on Transition‐Metal Spinels
Advanced Materials 29 (2017)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Oscar Diaz-Morales, Manuel Kolb, Reshma R. Rao, Rasmus Frydendal, Liang Qiao, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Niels Bendtsen Halck, Jan Rossmeisl, Heine A. Hansen, Tejs Vegge, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Marc T. M. Koper, Yang Shao-Horn
Orientation-Dependent Oxygen Evolution on RuO2 without Lattice Exchange
ACS Energy Letters 2 (2017)
Alina I. Belova, David G. Kwabi, Lada V. Yashina, Yang Shao-Horn, Daniil M. Itkis
Mechanism of Oxygen Reduction in Aprotic Li–Air Batteries: The Role of Carbon Electrode Surface Structure
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017)
Alexis Grimaud, Oscar Diaz-Morales, Binghong Han, Wesley T. Hong, Yueh-Lin Lee, Livia Giordano, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Marc T. M. Koper, Yang Shao-Horn
Activating lattice oxygen redox reactions in metal oxides to catalyse oxygen evolution
Nature Chemistry 9 (2017)
Michał Tułodziecki, Graham M. Leverick, Chibueze V. Amanchukwu, Yu Katayama, David G. Kwabi, Fanny Bardé, Paula T. Hammond, Yang Shao-Horn
The role of iodide in the formation of lithium hydroxide in lithium–oxygen batteries
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (2017)
Musbaudeen O. Bamgbopa, Nir Pour, Yang Shao-Horn, Saif Almheiri
Systematic selection of solvent mixtures for non-aqueous redox flow batteries – vanadium acetylacetonate as a model system
Electrochimica Acta 223 (2017)
Wesley T. Hong, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Yueh-Lin Lee, Livia Giordano, Alexis Grimaud, Alyssa M. Johnson, Jonathan Hwang, Ethan J. Crumlin, Wanli Yang, Yang Shao-Horn
Charge-transfer-energy-dependent oxygen evolution reaction mechanisms for perovskite oxides
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (2017)
Ibrahim Mustafa, Musbaudeen O. Bamgbopa, Eman Alraeesi, Yang Shao-Horn, Hong Sun, Saif Almheiri
Insights on the Electrochemical Activity of Porous Carbonaceous Electrodes in Non-Aqueous Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (2017)
Musbaudeen O. Bamgbopa, Yang Shao-Horn, Saif Almheiri
The potential of non-aqueous redox flow batteries as fast-charging capable energy storage solutions: demonstration with an iron–chromium acetylacetonate chemistry
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017)
Reshma R. Rao, Manuel J. Kolb, Niels Bendtsen Halck, Anders Filsøe Pedersen, Apurva Mehta, Hoydoo You, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Zhenxing Feng, Heine A. Hansen, Hua Zhou, Livia Giordano, Jan Rossmeisl, Tejs Vegge, Ib Chorkendorff, Ifan E. L. Stephens, Yang Shao-Horn
Towards identifying the active sites on RuO2(110) in catalyzing oxygen evolution
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (2017)
Joohyuk Park, Marcel Risch, Gyutae Nam, Minjoon Park, Tae Joo Shin, Suhyeon Park, Min Gyu Kim, Yang Shao-Horn, Jaephil Cho
Single crystalline pyrochlore nanoparticles with metallic conduction as efficient bi-functional oxygen electrocatalysts for Zn–air batteries
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (2017)
Shuting Feng, Mao Chen, Livia Giordano, Mingjun Huang, Wenxu Zhang, Chibueze V. Amanchukwu, Robinson Anandakathir, Yang Shao-Horn, Jeremiah A. Johnson
Mapping a stable solvent structure landscape for aprotic Li–air battery organic electrolytes
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017)
Nitul S. Rajput, Yang Shao-Horn, Xin-Hao Li, Sang-Gook Kim, Mustapha Jouiad
Investigation of plasmon resonance in metal/dielectric nanocavities for high-efficiency photocatalytic device
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017)
L. Kornblum, D. P. Fenning, J. Faucher, J. Hwang, A. Boni, M. G. Han, M. D. Morales-Acosta, Y. Zhu, E. I. Altman, M. L. Lee, C. H. Ahn, F. J. Walker, Y. Shao-Horn
Solar hydrogen production using epitaxial SrTiO3 on a GaAs photovoltaic
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (2017)
Julius Scholz, Marcel Risch, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Garlef Wartner, Yang Shao-Horn, Christian Jooss
Rotating Ring–Disk Electrode Study of Oxygen Evolution at a Perovskite Surface: Correlating Activity to Manganese Concentration
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016)
Robert Morasch, David G. Kwabi, Michal Tulodziecki, Marcel Risch, Shiyu Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn
Insights into Electrochemical Oxidation of NaO2 in Na–O2 Batteries via Rotating Ring Disk and Spectroscopic Measurements
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2016)
Anna Ya. Kozmenkova, Elmar Yu. Kataev, Alina I. Belova, Matteo Amati, Luca Gregoratti, Juan Velasco-Vélez, Axel Knop-Gericke, Boris Senkovsky, Denis V. Vyalikh, Daniil M. Itkis, Yang Shao-Horn, Lada V. Yashina
Tuning Surface Chemistry of TiC Electrodes for Lithium–Air Batteries
Chemistry of Materials 28 (2016)
Don-Hyung Ha, Binghong Han, Marcel Risch, Livia Giordano, Koffi P.C. Yao, Pinar Karayaylali, Yang Shao-Horn
Activity and stability of cobalt phosphides for hydrogen evolution upon water splitting
Nano Energy 29 (2016)
Dennis Sheberla, John C. Bachman, Joseph S. Elias, Cheng-Jun Sun, Yang Shao-Horn, Mircea Dincă
Conductive MOF electrodes for stable supercapacitors with high areal capacitance
Nature Materials 16 (2016)
Binghong Han, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Vasiliki Tileli, Andrew D. Gamalski, Eric A. Stach, Yang Shao-Horn
Nanoscale structural oscillations in perovskite oxides induced by oxygen evolution
Nature Materials 16 (2016)
Chibueze V. Amanchukwu, Magali Gauthier, Thomas P. Batcho, Chanez Symister, Yang Shao-Horn, Julio M. D’Arcy, Paula T. Hammond
Evaluation and Stability of PEDOT Polymer Electrodes for Li–O2 Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016)
Dongkyu Lee, Yueh-Lin Lee, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Dane Morgan, Yang Shao-Horn
Enhancement of oxygen surface exchange on epitaxial La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ thin films using advanced heterostructured oxide interface engineering
MRS Communications 6 (2016)
Jeffrey B. Chou, Xin-Hao Li, Yu Wang, David P. Fenning, Asmaa Elfaer, Jaime Viegas, Mustapha Jouiad, Yang Shao-Horn, Sang-Gook Kim
Surface plasmon assisted hot electron collection in wafer-scale metallic-semiconductor photonic crystals
Optics Express 24 (2016)
Koffi P. C. Yao, James T. Frith, Sayed Youssef Sayed, Fanny Bardé, John R. Owen, Yang Shao-Horn, Nuria Garcia-Araez
Utilization of Cobalt Bis(terpyridine) Metal Complex as Soluble Redox Mediator in Li–O2 Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016)
Wei Xie, Yueh-Lin Lee, Yang Shao-Horn, Dane Morgan
Oxygen Point Defect Chemistry in Ruddlesden–Popper Oxides (La1–xSrx)2MO4±δ (M = Co, Ni, Cu)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016)
Zhenxing Feng, Wesley T. Hong, Dillon D. Fong, Yueh-Lin Lee, Yizhak Yacoby, Dane Morgan, Yang Shao-Horn
Catalytic Activity and Stability of Oxides: The Role of Near-Surface Atomic Structures and Compositions
Accounts of Chemical Research 49 (2016)
Ivana Hasa, Xinwei Dou, Daniel Buchholz, Yang Shao-Horn, Jusef Hassoun, Stefano Passerini, Bruno Scrosati
A sodium-ion battery exploiting layered oxide cathode, graphite anode and glyme-based electrolyte
Journal of Power Sources 310 (2016)
David G. Kwabi, Michał Tułodziecki, Nir Pour, Daniil M. Itkis, Carl V. Thompson, Yang Shao-Horn
Controlling Solution-Mediated Reaction Mechanisms of Oxygen Reduction Using Potential and Solvent for Aprotic Lithium–Oxygen Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016)
Livia Giordano, Binghong Han, Marcel Risch, Wesley T. Hong, Reshma R. Rao, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Yang Shao-Horn
pH dependence of OER activity of oxides: Current and future perspectives
Catalysis Today 262 (2016)
Wesley T. Hong, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Ethan J. Crumlin, Eva Mutoro, Hyoungjeen Jeen, Ho Nyung Lee, Yang Shao-Horn
Near-Ambient Pressure XPS of High-Temperature Surface Chemistry in Sr2Co2O5 Thin Films
Topics in Catalysis 59 (2016)
Joseph S. Elias, Nongnuch Artrith, Matthieu Bugnet, Livia Giordano, Gianluigi A. Botton, Alexie M. Kolpak, Yang Shao-Horn
Elucidating the Nature of the Active Phase in Copper/Ceria Catalysts for CO Oxidation
ACS Catalysis 6 (2016)
David G. Kwabi, Vyacheslav S. Bryantsev, Thomas P. Batcho, Daniil M. Itkis, Carl V. Thompson, Yang Shao‐Horn
Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Solvent‐Dependent O2/Li+‐O2 Redox Couple: Standard Potentials, Coupling Strength, and Implications for Lithium–Oxygen Batteries
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (2016)
A. Grimaud, W. T. Hong, Y. Shao-Horn, J.-M. Tarascon
Anionic redox processes for electrochemical devices
Nature Materials 15 (2016)
Yueh-Lin Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Xiao Renshaw Wang, Ho Nyung Lee, Dane Morgan, Yang Shao-Horn
Kinetics of Oxygen Surface Exchange on Epitaxial Ruddlesden–Popper Phases and Correlations to First-Principles Descriptors
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016)
Azzam N. Mansour, David G. Kwabi, Ronald A. Quinlan, Yi-Chun Lu, Yang Shao-Horn
Probing the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface in Cycled LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4by XPS Using Mg and Synchrotron X-rays
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163 (2016)
Tarapada Sarkar, Siddhartha Ghosh, Meenakshi Annamalai, Abhijeet Patra, Kelsey Stoerzinger, Yueh-Lin Lee, Saurav Prakash, Mallikarjuna Rao Motapothula, Yang Shao-Horn, Livia Giordano, T. Venkatesan
The effect of oxygen vacancies on water wettability of transition metal based SrTiO3 and rare-earth based Lu2O3
RSC Advances 6 (2016)
Dongwook Lee, Sayed Youssef Sayed, Sangyeop Lee, Chris Adam Kuryak, Jiawei Zhou, Gang Chen, Yang Shao-Horn
Quantitative analyses of enhanced thermoelectric properties of modulation-doped PEDOT:PSS/undoped Si (001) nanoscale heterostructures
Nanoscale 8 (2016)
Sayed Youssef Sayed, Koffi P. C. Yao, David G. Kwabi, Thomas P. Batcho, Chibueze V. Amanchukwu, Shuting Feng, Carl V. Thompson, Yang Shao-Horn
Revealing instability and irreversibility in nonaqueous sodium–O2 battery chemistry
Chemical Communications 52 (2016)
Khaled Mezghani, Amir Hamza, Mohamed A. Habib, Dongkyu Lee, Yang Shao-Horn
Effect of microstructure and thickness on oxygen permeation of La2NiO4+δ membranes
Ceramics International 42 (2016)
Tim C. Geary, Dongkyu Lee, Yang Shao-Horn, Stuart B. Adler
Nonlinear Impedance Analysis of La0.4Sr0.6Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δThin Film Oxygen Electrodes
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163 (2016)
Jae-Il Jung, Marcel Risch, Seungkyu Park, Min Gyu Kim, Gyutae Nam, Hu-Young Jeong, Yang Shao-Horn, Jaephil Cho
Optimizing nanoparticle perovskite for bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (2016)
David G. Kwabi, Thomas P. Batcho, Shuting Feng, Livia Giordano, Carl V. Thompson, Yang Shao-Horn
The effect of water on discharge product growth and chemistry in Li–O2batteries
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016)
Wesley T. Hong, Roy E. Welsch, Yang Shao-Horn
Descriptors of Oxygen-Evolution Activity for Oxides: A Statistical Evaluation
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2015)
John Christopher Bachman, Sokseiha Muy, Alexis Grimaud, Hao-Hsun Chang, Nir Pour, Simon F. Lux, Odysseas Paschos, Filippo Maglia, Saskia Lupart, Peter Lamp, Livia Giordano, Yang Shao-Horn
Inorganic Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries: Mechanisms and Properties Governing Ion Conduction
Chemical Reviews 116 (2015)
Ronald A. Quinlan, Yi-Chun Lu, David Kwabi, Yang Shao-Horn, Azzam N. Mansour
XPS Investigation of the Electrolyte Induced Stabilization of LiCoO2and “AlPO4”-Coated LiCoO2Composite Electrodes
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163 (2015)
Magali Gauthier, Thomas J. Carney, Alexis Grimaud, Livia Giordano, Nir Pour, Hao-Hsun Chang, David P. Fenning, Simon F. Lux, Odysseas Paschos, Christoph Bauer, Filippo Maglia, Saskia Lupart, Peter Lamp, Yang Shao-Horn
Electrode–Electrolyte Interface in Li-Ion Batteries: Current Understanding and New Insights
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015)
Ifan E. L. Stephens, Joseph S. Elias, Yang Shao-Horn
The importance of being together
Science 350 (2015)
Christina Roth, Yang Shao‐Horn, Deborah Myers, Junji Inukai
Batteries and Fuel Cells: Leading the Way to a Cleaner and Brighter Future
ChemElectroChem 2 (2015)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Marcel Risch, Binghong Han, Yang Shao-Horn
Recent Insights into Manganese Oxides in Catalyzing Oxygen Reduction Kinetics
ACS Catalysis 5 (2015)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Wesley T. Hong, Ethan J. Crumlin, Hendrik Bluhm, Yang Shao-Horn
Insights into Electrochemical Reactions from Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Accounts of Chemical Research 48 (2015)
Forrest S. Gittleson, Koffi P. C. Yao, David G. Kwabi, Sayed Youssef Sayed, Won‐Hee Ryu, Yang Shao‐Horn, André D. Taylor
Raman Spectroscopy in Lithium–Oxygen Battery Systems
ChemElectroChem 2 (2015)
Marcel Risch, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Tom Z. Regier, Derek Peak, Sayed Youssef Sayed, Yang Shao-Horn
Reversibility of Ferri-/Ferrocyanide Redox during Operando Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Wesley T. Hong, Gisele Azimi, Livia Giordano, Yueh-Lin Lee, Ethan J. Crumlin, Michael D. Biegalski, Hendrik Bluhm, Kripa K. Varanasi, Yang Shao-Horn
Reactivity of Perovskites with Water: Role of Hydroxylation in Wetting and Implications for Oxygen Electrocatalysis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Ehsan A. Ahmad, Vasiliki Tileli, Denis Kramer, Giuseppe Mallia, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Yang Shao-Horn, Anthony R. Kucernak, Nicholas M. Harrison
Optimizing Oxygen Reduction Catalyst Morphologies from First Principles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Nagore Ortiz-Vitoriano, Thomas P. Batcho, David G. Kwabi, Binghong Han, Nir Pour, Koffi Pierre Claver Yao, Carl V. Thompson, Yang Shao-Horn
Rate-Dependent Nucleation and Growth of NaO2 in Na–O2 Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015)
Jeffrey B. Chou, David P. Fenning, Yu Wang, Miguel Angel Mendez Polanco, Jonathan Hwang, Asmaa El-Faer, Firas Sammoura, Jaime Viegas, Mahmoud Rasras, Alexie M. Kolpak, Yang Shao-Horn, Sang-Gook Kim
Broadband photoelectric hot carrier collection with wafer-scale metallic-semiconductor photonic crystals
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) (2015)
John C. Bachman, Reza Kavian, Daniel J. Graham, Dong Young Kim, Suguru Noda, Daniel G. Nocera, Yang Shao-Horn, Seung Woo Lee
Electrochemical polymerization of pyrene derivatives on functionalized carbon nanotubes for pseudocapacitive electrodes
Nature Communications 6 (2015)
Mohamed A. Habib, Pervez Ahmed, Rached Ben-Mansour, Khaled Mezghani, Zeeshan Alam, Y. Shao-Horn, A. F. Ghoniem
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of La2NiO4 Membranes for Oxygen Separation: Geometry Optimization and Model Validation
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 137 (2015)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Liang Qiao, Michael D. Biegalski, Yang Shao-Horn
Correction to “Orientation-Dependent Oxygen Evolution Activities of Rutile IrO2 and RuO2
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015)
Anastasia A. Permyakova, Binghong Han, Jens Oluf Jensen, Niels J. Bjerrum, Yang Shao-Horn
Pt—Si Bifunctional Surfaces for CO and Methanol Electro-Oxidation
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Weiming Lü, Changjian Li, T. Venkatesan, Yang Shao-Horn
Highly Active Epitaxial La(1–x)SrxMnO3 Surfaces for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Role of Charge Transfer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015)
Binghong Han, Danna Qian, Marcel Risch, Hailong Chen, Miaofang Chi, Ying Shirley Meng, Yang Shao-Horn
Role of LiCoO2 Surface Terminations in Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Kinetics
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015)
Jonathon R. Harding, Chibueze V. Amanchukwu, Paula T. Hammond, Yang Shao-Horn
Instability of Poly(ethylene oxide) upon Oxidation in Lithium–Air Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Kevin J. May, David P. Fenning, Tian Ming, Wesley T. Hong, Dongkyu Lee, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Michael D. Biegalski, Alexie M. Kolpak, Yang Shao-Horn
Thickness-Dependent Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on Ultrathin LaFeO3 Films Grown on Nb:SrTiO3
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015)
Nir Pour, David G. Kwabi, Thomas Carney, Robert M. Darling, Michael L. Perry, Yang Shao-Horn
Influence of Edge- and Basal-Plane Sites on the Vanadium Redox Kinetics for Flow Batteries
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Binghong Han, Christopher Earl Carlton, Jin Suntivich, Zhichuan Xu, Yang Shao-Horn
Oxygen Reduction Activity and Stability Trends of Bimetallic Pt0.5M0.5Nanoparticle in Acid
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015)
Yueh-Lin Lee, Milind J. Gadre, Yang Shao-Horn, Dane Morgan
Ab initio GGA+U study of oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction electrocatalysis on the (001) surfaces of lanthanum transition metal perovskites LaBO3(B = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015)
X. Lin, R. Kavian, Y. Lu, Q. Hu, Y. Shao-Horn, M. W. Grinstaff
Thermally-responsive, nonflammable phosphonium ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium metal batteries: operating at 100 degrees celsius
Chemical Science 6 (2015)
Wesley T. Hong, Marcel Risch, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Alexis Grimaud, Jin Suntivich, Yang Shao-Horn
Toward the rational design of non-precious transition metal oxides for oxygen electrocatalysis
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (2015)
Binghong Han, Marcel Risch, Yueh-Lin Lee, Chen Ling, Hongfei Jia, Yang Shao-Horn
Activity and stability trends of perovskite oxides for oxygen evolution catalysis at neutral pH
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015)